When did pop music and rock and roll first begin?

The early 1950s was the atmosphere at jazz gatherings, where the idea of something "like this" was already in the air. The tightly and constantly overlapping musicians of the time in the States were constantly sharing ideas with each other and occasionally playing their findings to each other and to mass audiences. American entertainment in those days was inextricably linked not with jazz, but with commercial orchestras that were slapdash and neatly polished both musically and visually.

It looked very well-meaning, but there was no talk of improvisation, nor of what is called "drive" today. The white, thrill-seeking youth of the day (they were also called bobby-sockers) were persistently and methodically looking for more, and since radio was a strong influence, the immersion into "black" radio stations was growing stronger and deeper. And while it was in its infancy, there wasn't much hysteria, but the trend was seen by the one who became the "discoverer" - DJ Alan Freed. In fact, no one can give us the exact date when rock 'n' roll was born, but we know the year precisely: rock 'n' roll was born in 1952.

The History of Rock and Roll

The history of rock and roll began in the Southern states. During World War II, a quarter of the population of the United States was changing places of residence - people were moving from the countryside to the city and vice versa, and this trend triggered a clash and interpenetration of rural and urban, religious and secular currents in music.

After the war ended, a period of reconstruction began, and people could once again pursue personal goals. New freedoms and ideas emerged. At the same time, racial divisions were exacerbated again. All of these developments in society could not help but have an impact on the music that was being written at the time.

The first to use the name "rock and roll" was Alan Freed, a disc jockey from Ohio. That's what he called the amalgam of rhythm, country, and blues that he played on his radio show.

As both whites and blacks embraced the new style, rock 'n' roll music eased the racial tensions of the period somewhat. White performers played for black audiences, while black musicians resonated with white audiences. The new style became especially popular among teenagers, giving them a sense of belonging. The rock and roll style formed a youth subculture, which finds an outlet not only in the music pouring out of radios, but also in the style of dress, hairstyle and a certain slang. Conservative society was very unhappy with such trends and many times tried to ban rock 'n' roll from the radio, accusing the lyrics of promoting sex and crime.

There are several interpretations of the words that make up the name "rock 'n' roll. The phrase originally described the movement of a ship on the waves.

Later the word "rock" meaning "to shake" was used to describe the religious awe of black Christians and in a more slang sense was in use among black youth as a synonym for dancing or sexual intercourse. The word "roll" meaning "to roll, to twirl" has also been used in English to refer to sexual activity since the Middle Ages. Thus, the name of the style has always carried some subtext.

Where Did Pop Music Come From?

From the history of pop music, it follows that it originated from a genre of folk songs and dances that had existed for a long time. It has always been entertainment music. For example, in the Middle Ages music performed by itinerant musicians in squares and fairs was considered popular - mostly couplets on love themes set to dance melodies. In addition, ballads recounting the exploits of medieval warriors and of sublime and tragic love were performed. It is this kind of music that became the basis of modern pop music.

Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe

Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe was notable for its love of leaf ballads - poems with notes that were written down on sheets of paper. They were performed to entertain the public. Folk music was also widespread, altogether, and became the beginnings of show business. In the seventeenth century, music on the piano became fashionable, there is a large number of musicians who used the musical techniques that later became the basis of modern pop music. In the XVIII century, there appears the organ, its homeland is Switzerland. Carmen players roamed the streets of cities across Europe, entertaining the esteemed public with couplets and ballads.

The XIX Century Europe

The nineteenth century was a turning point in the history of pop music, at that time the industry of popular music trends began to form. The impetus was the publication of large quantities of leaflets with sheet music, sheet music collections, which became a public pleasure. European cities acquired park orchestras that performed popular music - comic couplets and ballads for the entertainment of holidaymakers.

Seventeenth-century United States

Satirical minstrel shows have been popular in the United States since the late 18th century, in contrast to similar events in Europe. American minstrels ridiculed the black population of the states, which were then still slaves. But in the 19th century, black minstrels began to make fun of the white slaveholders. Since the late 19th century, ragtime has been growing in popularity in the United States and was performed almost everywhere.

Pop Music in Europe

Pop music in nineteenth-century Europe was operetta and music hall. Operettas were written by composers who created classical works. An operetta was a theatrical musical performance ranked below an opera. It could be said to be the lowest genre of musical art, including much comic and ridiculous, without the epic pathos characteristic of opera, and with recitatives between arias. The music hall was an entertaining musical program, shown to a table-sitting, chewing-drinking public.

That’s It!

If you think that pop music is the hits playing on the radio or the music videos playing on TV, you are only partially right. The fact is that the word "pop music" has two meanings.

1. Contemporary mainstream music.

2. A musical genre.

And today I told you how genres like rock and roll and pop music originated. hope this article was helpful to you!

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